This frame was hanging above the door in the Beretta Shop at VillaSanta Milano from about 1940 until the end of the war. The artigiano's 80-year-old son said it was never used. It was partially built because customer had ordered it during/before WWII, but never picked it up. It includes an FM Beretta Headset (by "Fratelli Magistroni ." Transltion: Magistroni brothers or FMV Frat: Magistroni in Villasanta). A few years later, Magistroni probably manufactured similar headsets for CINELLI. BB is made by Brampton. He said the Italians sometimes used British BBs during the war. Notice the Olympic Rings on the badge.
Frame measures 61 cm center-top seat tube/59.5 c-c.
Top Tube is 57.5 cm c-c.
Rear Axle Spacing 110x10mm. Front 100 mm.
Dropouts are chromed. Head Lugs are chromed and pinstriped.

As fotos show, only 1 scratch was touched up on top tube. The frame has a few scattered smaller scratches or scuffs throughout. Chrome on front of fork crown shows a chip and BB spindle end has a flake on the chrome. BB grease is very old and coagulated. Headset grease was equally old, but was disassembled for shipping.
Wow! Where is the frame now? This feel like velo-archeology, but I really want to ride the bones! (Ouch. Sorry.)
How did you come across it? Details, please!
I got it in Italy from a collector. It's now on (220246693913) ebay:
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